Three Junta Airstrikes Hit Mindat Township

Three Junta Airstrikes Hit Mindat Township

The Junta carried out three consecutive air raids on May 22, targeting a specific location within Mindat Township in Chin State, the Mindat People's Administrative Team (Mindat PAT) reported.

Ko Yaw Man, spokesperson for Mindat PAT, stated that from 11:55 am- 12:10 pm on that day, Junta aircraft conducted three rounds of airstrikes and fired continuously at a designated area.

"The Junta's aircraft circled overhead and conducted three rounds of airstrikes, targeting a specific area with rockets, bombs, and machine guns. Fortunately that was a forested area, sparing local civilians and buildings from damage or casualties. It appears that the Junta targeted the site based on their assumptions that resistance forces were somewhere hiding at this location,” he said.

Thirty minutes after the airstrikes, the 274th Infantry Battalion stationed in Mindat pounded the same area, this time using artillery bombardments.During the shelling attack, the stairs of a nearby monastery were damaged due to the force of the explosions.

Mindat resident Ko Har Ka Lay reported that the Junta conducted airstrikes using two aircraft, the first aircraft fired rockets and used machine guns, while the second dropped 500-pound high-explosive bombs.

From early April to May 2, a total of 36 airstrikes and 2 shelling incidents by the Junta in Mindat resulted in the deaths of 2 resistance fighters and 3 civilians, with 31 individuals sustaining injuries.

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