Junta Troops Burn One Village after another in Khin-U Township across 76 villages and 6000 houses destroyed

Junta Troops Burn One Village after another in Khin-U Township across 76 villages and 6000 houses destroyed

During two weeks of June, 76 villages in Khin-U Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division were consumed by systematic arson attacks perpetrated by the Junta soldiers- actions that clearly constitute war crimes.

"Around 150-200 troops burned down Thayetkone village in Khin-U township. Approximately 4-5 houses were destroyed in Thayetkone, and our village also suffered with 3 houses burned. This happened on June 18th, and the military is still present between Thayetkone and Pyinhtaung, burning down one village after another," shared an Ayadaw resident.

Pior to June 14, in a report from the Khin-U Township True News and Information Team, the Military Council troops entered Kanthit village while firing artillery shells and small arms, and subsequently burning down another 33 civilian houses – it was the fifth time for the Junta to

carry out arson attacks on this village. . Similarly  Thargaya village faced its fourth incident of house burnings, resulting in the destruction of another six houses.

Military Council troops on the morning of June 10, from Shwebo Training Camp No. 8 reportedly killed two sheep and one pig belonging to Yaeayekone village. They also burned down four civilian homes and a school, and carried out the theft of over 70 cows and sheep, subsequently driving them towards Phokonepyu village.

Since June 1, Military Council troops have been engaged in combat operations in Khin-U township. On June 9, the troops entered Yaeayekone village from Khin-U township, specifically through Shwe Moe Nyo Pagoda, located south of Thanbo village. During their entry, the troops unleashed indiscriminate fire using artillery shells and small arms, resulting in residents fleeing the area in fear.

As a result of all this destruction, approximately 3,000 local residents from villages including Thanbo, Chaungsone, Yaeayekone, and Kyeekan have been forced to flee to safety. They are currently in need of assistance to meet their basic needs.


According to the aid workers providing support, following the military coup, over 6,000 houses across 76 villages in Khin-U township have been burned down by the Military Council troops. As a result, more than 30,000 individuals have been affected by the fires and require daily assistance to meet their basic needs.

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