Temporary ceasefire between KNU and DKBA

Temporary ceasefire between KNU and DKBA
by -
Zaw Gyi
The Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) has said that it has temporarily stopped its offensive on the Karen National Union's army camp. An officer from DKBA said that the Burmese Army’s and DKBA's joint  military offensive ...

The Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) has said that it has temporarily stopped its offensive on the Karen National Union's army camp.

An officer from DKBA said that the Burmese Army’s and DKBA's joint  military offensive on Waw Lay Khee camp, KNLA battalion (201) base, had been temporarily stopped after negotiations between low ranking officers from both sides.

"Yes, it has been stopped. We declared a ceasefire through a verbal agreement since April 18. It was not done by the higher officers, but it happened at the lower level, through understanding and we agreed temporarily not to open fire," the officer said.

Small scale conflicts have been occurring since the offensive began on April 13. After the verbal agreement, DKBA's soldiers left from the proximity of Waw Lay Khee camp, the officer said.

"Yes, we withdrew our soldiers but not all of them. Some soldiers who are on duty there remain and others have departed from the battle area to Myawaddy. The relevant soldiers were drawn back two and-a-half hours away from the battle ground," he added.

Major Saw Hla Ngwe, KNU's secretary 1, said that it seemed positive because DKBA had suffered some casualties in a recent gun battle.

"They suffered heavy casualties from last week’s gun-battle. They attempted to attack KNU from Thai soil, but it was not successful. Thai authorities arrested their members. They stepped on landmines, which were placed by the Thai Army and they also stepped on landmines in Karen soil. Technically, it was not advantageous for them. Therefore, I think they are exploring new options," the Major said.

An officer from DKBA admitted that there were some casualties, including those who got wounded in the gun battle and who stepped on landmines. Some mortar shells landed on Thai soil during the conflict, but the officer denied that anybody was arrested on Thai soil.

Captain Saw Bu Phaw, a second commander of KNLA (201) battalion, said that gun battles had been continuing and DKBA has been sending more troops to the battle fields, even though the DKBA said that there was a temporary ceasefire and withdrew troops from the battle-field.

Capt. Saw Bu Phaw said regarding the current situation that if "it doesn't stop, there is no stopping it.  Now they are ordering porters for carrying food stuff and ammunitions. Yesterday, they opened fire four-five times on us, with heavy weapons. According to this morning’s information, DKBA's 999 and 555 battalions have increased the number of troops on the battle field."

The Burmese Army and DKBA cooperative armies have seized an army post of KNU's 201 battalion since April 5, and then they have been continuing the offensive on Waw Lay Khee camp.