Thai authorities begin work on ID cards for Burmese migrants

Thai authorities begin work on ID cards for Burmese migrants
by -
Nwe Lay
Data collection for issuing identity cards, with a validity of 10 years has commenced for migrants working in Thailand.

Data collection for issuing identity cards, with a validity of 10 years has commenced for migrants working in Thailand.

The Thai Royal Immigration department will issue the cards for migrants in Tak, Maesot, Ranaung and Mae Hong Song throughout the month of June.

An applicant needs 2 pictures, and has to fill names of parents, the applicant's own name, age and names of siblings in the application form. Then, the applicant has to submit the application form at the concerned office after putting his thumb impression on it, a Burmese applicant from Maesot said.

"Cards would be issued for 200 workers in a ward. The cards would be issued after double-checking because of too many applicants. If an applicant has actually lived in Thailand for a long time and is friendly with others, participates in Thai social and religious works, has not committed any crime and is recommended by a Thai citizen, the applicant would get a living card. A Thai citizen can recommend 10 Burmese migrant workers," sources said.

Thai authorities would only issue living-cards with a validity of 10 years for the applicant, who has recommendation letters from the Ward Headman and his relatives who already hold such identity-cards, according to Sai Hsai Mueng from MAP foundation, which works for Burmese migrants.

"Family statistics and living cards are only issued for Burmese migrants, who entered Thailand in 2542 (Thai calendar year). The cards issued currently are for the relatives, who have not yet recorded their arrival in Thailand. A recommendation letter, from the village headman is needed as proof of residence," according to sources.

The living-cards issued in Weing Hieng, Chiang Mai from January to March this year can be used in October, said the governor of Weing Hieng in March when the cards were issued.

The card must not be lost during the period it is valid. At the same time, if a card holder does not commit any crime in Thailand, the person will have an opportunity to be a legal citizen of Thailand.

The Thai Labour Ministry has also been issuing one year work-permit extension from May 1 to June 30, for migrants who already have the labour card.