Junta distributes land for house construction

Junta distributes land for house construction
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Kaladan news
Maungdaw, Arakan State : The Burmese military junta distributed land for construction of houses to villagers in Maungdaw Township , on March 2. Those allotted are people whose houses were destroyed by erosion during the floods and heavy rain last year, said one of the recipients.
Maungdaw, Arakan State : The Burmese military junta distributed land for construction of houses to villagers in Maungdaw Township , on March 2. Those allotted are people whose houses were destroyed by erosion during the floods and heavy rain last year, said one of the recipients.
The regime distributed land to 35 families at the rate of 0.15 acre per family near a mountain, one mile off the eastern side of Bawli Bazaar village. The land owner is a villager named Jaker, but, the government did not pay any compensation to the owner. The villagers are from Alay Rwa and Taung Rwa villages of Bawli Bazaar village tract, Maungdaw Township .
For the construction of houses, the Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) members went  to  the Township PDC and District PDC Chairmen on March 3, but the authorities allowed permission to only 15 families who were able to pay kyat 20,000 per family. But, the rest will get permission after paying bribes. The authorities have already taken Kyat 300,000 from the homeless victims, a local villager said.
On January 28, UNHCR representatives distributed 16 wooden poles, 800 bamboos, 14 bundles of thatch worth Kyat 14,000, two-Viss of iron wire (chain), one Viss (I Viss = 1.63 kg) of nails, and 20 other wooden poles 15 feet in length per family whose houses were destroyed by erosion. They distributed it to 17 families in Min Gyui village of Maung Daw Township.
The houses were situated on the bank of Pruma River and were damaged last monsoon by flood and heavy rains. UNHCR representatives also distributed house construction materials to 25 families of Alay Rwa and Taung Rwa villages in Bawli Bazaar village tract, Maungdaw Township .
A widow who got land from the government said, "We are very happy that we will become house owners again after becoming homeless. But, some did not get permission to build houses as we are not able to pay the money because of poverty. "