
February 26, 2008
The Burmese Army has confiscated 200 acres of paddy fields in Southern Burma , thumbing its nose on the Mon people's decade's long struggle for land...
February 21, 2008
On February 22 many Mon people welcome and celebrate the Mon National Day. The day is about Mon people discussing Mon issues, past and present. They...
February 19, 2008
"I am not shy having a disabled father, but I am worried about him. With the disability, struggling for a life is so difficult and rough," said a...
February 14, 2008
Minutes after assassins killed P'doh Mahn Sha, the news reached me from across the ocean. First, I was frightened. It was almost 5 o'clock in the...
January 25, 2008
Forty-six years of brutal and incompetent military rule have all but destroyed Burma's education system. A proud culture of learning and literature...
January 11, 2008
"I came for work in Thailand now I am living in prison," said a Karen boy, Than Soe, who was sentenced to 25 years in jail after the Thai police...
October 19, 2007
Long queues are visible in Mizoram where people wait their turn at buying meat at shops. Mizo people have bee severely affected by the indefinite ban...
August 16, 2007
Though originally released almost a decade ago, "Sacrifice", a film documenting the plight of Shan State girls working in the Thai sex industry,...
July 20, 2007
Around the world, many people spend their Sunday in many ways. Some take rest, some go shopping, and some do what they want to. Anyhow, Sunday is...
July 4, 2007
Almost 70 years ago, Maurice Collis, a former British magistrate in Burma, toured the Shan States, which included a visit to the biggest and most...
June 26, 2007
Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinnawatra during his tenure wanted to make a distinction between the Thai society and Burmese refugees by...
May 30, 2007
Burma 's political future is at the crossroads. Burma's top generals are pre-occupied trying to decide whether to continue with their roadmap to...
May 29, 2007
Anyone meeting Neineh Plo, a good looking 25 year old will identify him as a refugee who has come to America in pursuit of a better life. But this...
May 26, 2007
Many children in Burma are waiting for the beginning of the new school year which begins tomorrow. Students and parents are crowding the schools to...
May 15, 2007
Mudon: From dusk to dawn seven days a week, people gather in local bars to guzzle beer and chat into the wee hours of the morning in Mudon Townhip,...
