
June 28, 2010
Roma Begum, is a 14 year-old class VII student at Nayapara refugee camp, in south eastern Bangladesh. She wants to resettle in any third country she...
June 13, 2010
Although there are many more women journalists in Burma now, they face many challenges while trying to do their job.....
May 24, 2010
Seventy primary level school children in Moreh, on the Indo-Burma border, may not be able to attend classes this monsoon, which begin in June. That’s...
May 18, 2010
With just six months before the year’s end, people in Burma are none the wiser about when the military regime will hold....
May 18, 2010
Eh’Klu Sae has had a hard life, but it has not stopped her singing.....
May 18, 2010
Most of the sellers in Chiang Mai’s night bazaar are illegal Burmese migrants risking arrest and prison time hawking fake copies of famous brand name...
May 18, 2010
As many as 2,000 Karenni villagers made homeless by Burma Army offensives since 2006 are still without official refugee status in neighboring...
May 13, 2010
It’s the start of the new school year and it looks like many Karenni children, on both sides of the border will be denied...
May 11, 2010
“The period of ceasefire is gone,” the General Secretary of the New Mon State Party (NMSP) quoted an SPDC general as saying in his article, written...
May 4, 2010
Some people in Arakan state are not interested in the upcoming 2010 election, promised by the military regime.....
May 1, 2010
Labor Day, May 1, is an annual holiday celebrated all over the world by workers and their national unions to mark the economic and social...
May 1, 2010
The Burmese military regime’s plan to introduce a Border Guard Force in Karen State, before the upcoming general elections are held in 2010, have run...
May 1, 2010
Karen refugees persuaded to return to Burma by Thai authorities in February 2010 are now struggling to cope. When the 4,500 Karen villagers crossed...
April 26, 2010
Every morning, 11 year old Sayedul Amin helps his three younger brothers get up and get ready for school. But, he does not join them at the Madrasah...
April 7, 2010
Every race has a national symbol or remarkable or respected or historical day. February 20, 2010 was Chin National Day. It was an historically...
