
April 5, 2010
A senior American diplomat is expected to visit Burma in the near future to try to kick-start Washington’s lagging engagement policy with the junta...
March 10, 2010
Volunteer teachers at special schools in Thailand are busy building an education for the children of Burmese migrant construction workers in Chiang...
February 22, 2010
"The Military regime is preparing for an election which will not be free and fair", a retired school teacher who lives in...
February 2, 2010
A 70-year-old Arakanese Rohingya politician, Mr. AFK Jilani, the organizer of The National League for Democracy (NLD) for all of Arakan State, is...
January 25, 2010
“I wanted to be an educated person. I wondered what my future would be like if I was not educated?” Mi Kya lun Htaw, Mon educator...
January 17, 2010
Kaladan Press- Like countless other young Arakanese women of marriageable age, 24 year old Nuru Begum wants to get married. But, she had to flee from...
January 13, 2010
Early on the morning of January 14, 2009, most residents of Ban Don Yang Camp, at Three Pagoda’s Pass border crossing, took shelter from the cold...
January 8, 2010
The large crowd filling the chairs in front of the stage at the recent Karen New year celebrations, held on the grounds of the Mae Towe Clinic, in...
December 14, 2009
Late one rainy afternoon in early April, a soldier of the Democratic Karen Budhist Army (DKBA), brought an urgent message to Karen villagers in...
December 7, 2009
Two women, 35 and 24 years old, were sitting face to face on a big rock near the shore of the Pon River washing their clothes. Meanwhile, children,...
November 12, 2009
Some people say, “Home is where the heart is.” That the case for Nag Lin Lin (not her real name), a young Burmese woman who lives and works in...
November 3, 2009
Umphiem Mai-Grandpa Saw Pho De is worried when he sees his six year old granddaughter and 11 year old grandson bring things like plastic jewelry into...
October 26, 2009
Karenni people have celebrated El Doepawmee, or Deeku, the same time each year for many generations, wherever they live. And, many elders and leaders...
October 22, 2009
Saing Harn Fah and the rest of his musical group had to travel the whole night to reach Bangkok. All of them were very excited, because this was...
September 25, 2009
Delhi- Ko Khaing rises early every morning to go to his job feeding ducks, so he can support his family. But, the twenty-three year old would rather...
