Unsuccessful meeting between government and KIO

Unsuccessful meeting between government and KIO
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The Vice-Chairman of the Union Level Peace-Making Committee, U Aung Min, and Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) representatives held a meeting earlier this week to discuss political matters. But according to one KIO leader the meeting failed to progress further than discussion.

U LaPhing La“We know the government only wants the fighting to stop - they have no interest in talking about politics with us. We want to deal with the issue of ethnic rights by political means, not by discussions of ending the fighting. This means we need serious discussions with the government regarding our rights.”

The KIO claims they were promised during the meeting there would be political dialogue with the government. But the government only wanted to discuss the reduction of military troops  that would allow them the necessary security they need to repair the Tar Pain Electric Power Plant Project in Myintkyina-Putao.

“We don’t like how the government is taking advantage of ethnic groups who have already signed ceasefire agreements. During the meeting they refused to discuss politics with us because Major General Gum Maw wasn’t in attendance. This is why the meeting ended without any real results,” said the KIO leader.

U Aung Min speaks during the meeting.U Sum Lut Gan, a KIO representative claimed “a ceasefire will not put an end to the political issues”   and provides no guarantee to end the fighting.


The use of army tanks by government troops was also discussed during the meeting. KIO representatives said that there were over 90 battles in October during which the government used a tank to shoot 105mm rounds at the KIO’s central headquarters, over 14 times from Oct. 24 – 28. U Aung Min refuted the accusation claiming this was the first time he heard about tanks being utilized against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

The government delegation wants to hold another political discussion meeting inside Myanmar soon.