Junta steps up security, inspections in Yangon

Junta steps up security, inspections in Yangon

The military regime has tightened security measures and beefed up inspections on public buses, the residents told Than Lwin Times.

"With the increased missions of PDF, the junta stepped up the inspection. They checked taxis, buses, and passenger’s mobile phones, and so we were late for work. It violates the freedom of individuals," a resident from Shwe Pyi Thar Township said.

Despite the tight security, explosions happen almost every day in Yangon.

On July 30, an explosion occurred near Yangon City Hall, where the road was blocked and 24-hour security was in place.

"Security has been tightened, especially around downtown. After the four-eight umbrella strike, pedestrians were not allowed to go under the bridge and were forced to cross over the bridge," a Yangon resident said.

Every time an urban guerrilla group attacks in Yangon, the military tightens security to make it difficult for the people, and tries to cause discord between the revolutionary forces and the people.

A leader of a Yangon guerilla group said that although the military council has increased security, they will speed up urban missions to capture Yangon.

Despite the increased security, the people are suffering from theft and robbery on a daily basis.

Lawyers say the authorities are running out of places to hold political prisoners, so people jailed for theft and robbery are being released on parole, and the public is suffering the consequences.

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