Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State : A villager in Maungdaw Township was sentenced to three months in jail by the Maungdaw court for felling timber for...
Maungdaw, Arakan State : Incessant heavy rain last two weeks in northern Arakan inundated most areas and destroyed paddy fields, vegetables, shrimp...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The police and Ward Peace and Development Council (WPDC) authorities in Maungdaw Town jointly extorted Kyat 600,000 in May...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Bangladesh has earned over Taka 690 million as revenue by exporting and importing goods to Bangladesh and from Burma in the 2007-...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Burma's border security force robbed a villager's home in Maungdaw Township and took away gold ornaments worth kyat 2 million...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Refugees of the Dum Dum Mea makeshift camp are being shifted to new sheds built in Leda as of early morning today. They are being...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Diarrhea has afflicted over 150 Burmese refugees in the makeshift camp in Dum Dum Mea since June 21. It killed two children in...
Buthidaung, Arakan state: Nasaka , Burma 's border security force has been photographing residents of Dabruchaung and Sarakkuni villages in...
Buthidaung , Burma : A school teacher (Junior Assistant Teacher- JAT) was tortured by the Army last month and suffered two broken ribs on allegations...
Kyauktaw, Arakan State: Villagers are being forced to work on the Rangoon-Sittwe High way road construction site of Kyauktaw Township since June 20...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: The Bangladesh border security force, Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), seized contraband Burmese goods worth Taka 1.9 million from a...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: A Rohingya yoyth was sentenced to five and-a-half years in prison by a Maungdaw court on June 13, on the orders of Burma's...
Maungdaw, Arakan State : Over 1,000 acres of farmlands are to be confiscated in Maungdaw Township for Natala villagers to be invited to Arakan State...
Teknaf, Dum Dum Meah: Diarrhea has been spreading in the makeshift camp of Dum Dum Meah because of heavy rainfall and the changing weather. The...
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Close to 250 refugee families living in the makeshift camp in Dum Dum Meah were expelled from their camp between June 11 and 18...
