Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State : Nasaka , Burma 's border security force looted a large sum of money from a trader while he was on his way home from Maungdaw...
Kyaukpyu, Arakan: Silent protest marches marked the 20th anniversary of the brutally crushed '8-8-88' democracy uprising in most towns of Arakan...
Teknaf , Bangladesh : A Rohingya refugee woman and her baby died yesterday during delivery because of lack of proper health care facilities in the...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Fifteen people from Maungdaw Township were called to Maungdaw Nasaka Headquarters of Kawar Bill on July 15, and have been...
Mrauk U, Arakan State : The State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) authorities of Mrauk U Township , Arakan State seized about 100 acres of toddy...
Maungdaw, Arakan State : On August 2, two drug smugglers were arrested along with 4,000 WY tablets by Maungdaw district police in Maungdaw Township...
Buthidaung, Arakan State : The Commander of Nasaka, Burmese border security force area No. 9 of Buthidaung Township paid advance money to farmers in...
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The Maungdaw Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) has provided money to Natala villagers of Maungdaw Township...
Maungdaw, Arakan: An officer of the Maungdaw Income Tax Department, U Aye Win was arrested by the special Crime Investigation Department of Maungdaw...
Maungdaw, Arakan: Personnel from Maungdaw police station register false cases against shopkeepers in Maungdaw when they want money from someone, said...
Maungdaw, Arakan: A village in Northern Maungdaw, under Burma 's border security force, or Nasaka area number 5, has become unsafe recently with...
Maungdaw, Arakan: Authorities in Maungdaw Township seized 32.66 acres of arable land from farmers of Oo Shaikya (Buraseikdarpara) and Dou Dan (...
Maungdaw, Arakan: The headmistress of the State Primary School in Myoma Kayandan (Seikda para) village, Maungdaw Township, collected admission fees...
Pletwa, Chin State: Three Chin hill-side cultivators were severely tortured and their tents torched by the Burmese Army on suspicion of having...
Teknaf , Bangladesh : Relief material from Muslim Aid of UK and Islamic Relief Organization (IRO) was distributed yesterday in the undocumented...
