Over 300 Civilians Killed in Karenni State Since Military Coup

Over 300 Civilians Killed in Karenni State Since Military Coup

The Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) has reported that over the course of the two years since the military coup, more than 300 civilians were killed by Military Council troops in Kayah (Karenni) State.

During the recent "Karenni Dream of 100 Rifles" conversation, Khun Bi Htoo, the Chairman of the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF), addressed this matter."In the span of two years, over 300 civilians have lost their lives in Karenni State as a result of the

 Military Council's killings," Khun Bi Htoo reported.

Khun Bi Htoo, the chairman of KNDF, stated that people have lost their lives due to the actions of the Military Council troops, which include arbitrary arrests and torture of civilians, deliberate artillery shell targeting of civilian areas, airstrikes, and firing upon towns and villages whenever military operations were conducted.

"In recent months, nearly 17 civilians have been shot and killed in Mobye Township. Their bodies have not been recovered. Following the Military Council's arrival in Mobye Township, they have indiscriminately opened fire on any civilians in their sight. These fatal incidents have taken place in various locations. As a result, a significant number of civilians have lost their lives along the entrance road to Loikaw Township in the past months."

According to the August 1 press release from the Progressive Karenni People Force (PKPF), spanning from February 1, 2021, when the military coup took place, to July 31, 2023, Karenni State saw the loss of 375 civilian lives. Moreover, 196 individuals faced arbitrary arrests, and a total of 766 clashes took place within the state.

Khun Bi Htoo, the chairman of KNDF, underscored that these human rights violations are being committed by Military Council troops not only within Karenni State, but also across all of Myanmar.

U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of the Ministry of Human Rights under the National Unity Government (NUG), stated that the human rights violations perpetrated by the Military Council troops have escalated beyond  This has escalated beyond the realm of typical human rights violations. What we are witnessing are criminal actions being carried out. These actions have now escalated to a systematic level that meets the criteria for international war crimes,

as defined by the UN Human Rights Council and the UN world court.

The NUG minister continued "The ongoing events are not merely a breach of ordinary human rights as outlined in Article 30. They consider the people as enemies, and systematically perpetrate crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide against the Rohingya community.. As a result, our efforts extend beyond making statements, to urging that decisive action be taken against these war criminals.”

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