Intruders asked to move out of Sittwe’s conflict zone

Intruders asked to move out of Sittwe’s conflict zone
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The Arakan State government has taken a decisive step against individuals who have intruded into conflict-ridden areas of Sittwe, the state capital, asking them to move out immediately.

Sittwe’s chief administrator issued a warning to those who are illegally seeking shelter in the troubled areas, demanding they vacate the area by the end of this month.

“The Arakan State government has issued a notice ordering intruders to move out as soon as possible,” said a local resident from Sittwe’s Sat Yon Suu Quarter.

The authorities have also posted warning signs in various places. Unconfirmed reports say that some intruders are living in make-shift accommodation in the parts of Sittwe damaged by sectarian violence —particularly the area where several deaths occurred and the many houses were destroyed by fire in 2012.

In the wake of this sectarian violence, scores of families were rendered homeless and some of them are still living in relief camps.

“Nothing has changed even though it’s been two years since the violence occurred. We are still clueless about the resettling of Muslim refugees in the affected areas. We are really not aware of any government plan to deal with the situation,” said a local Sittwe resident.

When Arakan State’s government chief U Maung Muang Ohn was asked by a prominent leader from Sittwe, U ThanTun, about this issue U Maung Muang Ohn indicated that something would be done. But he also said that it may take some time.