Light rainfall destroys crops in Chin state

Light rainfall destroys crops in Chin state
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Many farmers haven’t been able to start cultivating their crops in Chin state due to insufficient rainfall, and the weather conditions have already destroyed some crops in the state. However, the government hasn’t responded to local complaints about the problem.

In Falam Township the following farmers confirmed that they haven’t been getting enough rain to cultivate their crops: Haimual (22), Thip Cang (26), New Hnathial (24), Old Hnathial (32), Singai (75), Selawn (8), TlangKuai (28), ZawngTe (38), and NgaiLan (16).

Pasui, a farmer from Haimual Village, told Khonumthung that “Some crops are dying because of light rainfall and we haven’t been able to grow corn or pumpkins until very recently. The grass is growing fast because there are less crops, and we have been spending a lot of time and energy on our crops this year.”

The Chinland Post reported that 50 out of 130 houses in Thantlang Township’s Aibur Village still haven’t been able to cultivate their crops due to insufficient rainfall in the township.

The Chinland Post article said that there is less rainfall in Paletwa and Matupi Townships and crops started getting destroyed in June. Underlying the severity of the situation, one farmer from Para Village in Paletwa Township was quoted as saying that “We may face food shortages from next month, and we don’t have any hope of growing good crops next year.”