Burmese Army confiscates 250 acres of farmland

Burmese Army confiscates 250 acres of farmland
by -
Par Reh

The Burmese Army based in Karenni State has confiscated 250 acres of local farmland. The seizure was meant for cultivation to generate sufficient paddy for the soldiers, Karenni Social and Welfare Development Committee (KSWDC) said....

The Burmese Army based in Karenni State has confiscated 250 acres of local farmland. The seizure was meant for cultivation to generate sufficient paddy for the soldiers, Karenni Social and Welfare Development Committee (KSWDC) said. There has been no talk of compensation.

Khu Phae Bu, Director of KSWDC, said that farms in Loi Kaw, Dee Mawso and Bawla Khe Townships were confiscated by the army based in Karenni State. The seizure was made following orders from above.

The army confiscated 60 acres in Baw La Khe, 50 acres in Pha Ruso, 80 acres in Dee Mawso and Ngwe Taung and in the industrial zone in Loi Kaw township in 2008-2009.

"The army confiscates farms with impunity and the seizure varies. Each battalion has to generate sufficient rations according to army rules. So they confiscate farms of villagers," Khu Phae Bu said.

Locals had grown paddy, peas, corns, and potatoes on the confiscated land for they depend mainly on cultivation. They said they face a lot of economic hardship because of the army's confiscation of farms where they grow fruits and cereals.

"We have to arrange for new farms but we are not sure we can grow fruits and cereals there. We stand to face long term economic hardship and cannot send our children to schools, forcing them to work. We generate a small amount of income by selling fruits and cereals from our farms," a farmer said.

Besides forcible farmland confiscation, the army has ordered locals to grow and cultivate fruits and cereals. Locals are also forced to work in building fences, Khu Phae Bu said.

Battalion commanders are transferred once in three to four years. They sell the land confiscated. So, new battalion commanders have to find new farms for confiscation, he added.

There are 12 battalions based in Loi Kaw, Dee Mawso, Pha Ruso and Baw La Khe Townships in Karenni State. Infantry Battalion 54, 72, 261, 250 and Light Infantry Battalion 530 are based in Loi Kaw, LIB 428 and 531 in Pha Ruso, LIB 337, 429 and 430 in Baw La Khe and IB 102 and LIB 427 in Dee Mawso Township.