Village headmen threatened for villagers casting 'no' votes

Village headmen threatened for villagers casting 'no' votes
by -
Daily Htet
Village tract chairmen were called and warned by junta authorities on May 10 evening because TPDC (Township Peace and Development Council) chairmen were dissatisfied with villagers from Pharuso Township for casting of 'no' votes in the referendum.

Village tract chairmen were called and warned by junta authorities on May 10 evening because TPDC (Township Peace and Development Council) chairmen were dissatisfied with villagers from Pharuso Township for casting of 'no' votes in the referendum.

Before the referendum, junta authorities persuaded people to vote 'yes' and threatened them to dissuade them from casting 'no' votes in most townships in Karenni State. They took advance 'yes' votes.

Khu Denial, a responsible person from the Karenni Relief and Development Centre revealed these details.

"They were called on the day of the referendum and the next day. Then they watched how villagers voted. For instance, they checked the 'no' votes and ordered ticking of 'yes' votes. This was in order to correct the 'no' votes."

Htee Paw tract, Pinma (Phruso) tract and Doelarsaw village-tract were being monitored during the day of the referendum. Despite this villagers cast 'no' votes.

The authorities won't take any action now despite many villages casting 'no' vote. TPDC chairmen are dissatisfied about following investigations.

The LIB 428 (light infantry battalion) arrived in Kaylyar and Htaybyarnyi villages and investigated why villagers cast 'no' votes.

"They came and asked why they cast the 'no' vote. 'We have to do our job despite your casting 'no' votes in the referendum'," said Khu Denial.

Authorities have called and threatened village headmen from Pharuso, Shardaw, and Loi Kaw townships.

Before the May 10 referendum, junta authorities came to the villages, and collected finger prints and the list of people who were above the age 18.