Five villages forced to work for military camp

Five villages forced to work for military camp
by -
Daily Htet
Five villages were forced to work for a military camp in Dawtamagyi village. A joint force of the Light infantry battalion 427 from Burma Army and Karenni National Democratic Front (Naga) will be based at the camp.
Five villages were forced to work for a military camp in Dawtamagyi village. A joint force of the Light infantry battalion 427 from Burma Army and Karenni National Democratic Front (Naga) will be based at the camp.

Even though, reconstruction of the camp is a result of changing the army unit from brigade 55, but the aim behind the joint force to be based at the camp is still not known, said the Karenni Social Welfare and Development Committee.

KSWDC in-charge Ko Win Min explained "they usually build and restore their house during this season. Especially, they prepare for their hill-side cultivation. They face many difficulties because they are forced to work even when they are busy with their own job. When they work for the military camp they do not have enough food and also they can't do their hill-side cultivation. The hill-side cultivation has to be done on time in the right season."

According to locals, they were ordered to cut wood and bamboo during the end of February. These have to be brought to the camp in the end of March.

Dawtamagyi village is forced to collect 120 pillars (8 feet 6 inches), Dawnyayhku village has to fetch 200 bamboos, Dawsophya village -- 150 bamboos, Dawkawt and Dawtachar villages, 80 big bamboos each. The Burma Army has ordered the villages to send wood and bamboos to the camp.

Dawkawt and Dawtachar villages used to send many bamboos to the army camp. Now the big bamboos have become scarce. Thus, locals have a problem finding bamboos.

Ko Win Min said that villagers faced many problems every year because they are forced to work for the army instead of working in their own farms.

"For instance, they have to borrow rice from neighbours when they are working on their hill-side cultivation," said Ko Win Min.

Villagers are threatened by the army that if they don't send wood and bamboos on time and as per demand the villages would be moved out and fined as punishment.

Major Aung Myo Min leads the LIB 427 and Lt. Bo Yay Mwe leads the Naga. Previously, Brigade 55 was based at the camp.