Government military operations increasing in Paloung territory

Government military operations increasing in Paloung territory
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More fighting between the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)  and Burma army in Northern Shan State is expected, according to TNLA spokesperson Major Tar Phonn Kyaw.

“A battle has broken out every day here after five days of relative quiet. The battles are occurring in different parts: today in Pannkapound between Kutkai and Minepaw, and twice yesterday in Pannlong village in Nanshan Township. We will use guerrilla tactics if the government troops try to move their troops here. Now the government is increasing their battalions and setting up posts (to get ready) for battle.”

At present, the government Infantry Battalion (IB) 130, 144, and 115, and Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 501 are conducting operations in Nanshan Township. In Mantong Township, LIB-502, IB- 23, 71, and 95 are patrolling the area. There are an estimated 16 government battalions patrolling in TNLA territories.

TNLA Major Tar Phonn Kyaw confirmed that the Burma army soldiers are trying to blend into the local population to obtain intelligence. This is happening following an  increase in troops. News of the infiltration came after 5 government soldiers were captured by the TNLA’s Battalion 367 last month.

Many government military trucks have been transporting troops from Lashio to Muse since the end of November. The TNLA has been assisting the KIA (Kachin Independence Army), and SSPP/SSA (Shan State Progressive Party/ Shan State Army) in northern Shan state where fighting has been occurring.