Media Alert

July 3, 2009
A radio commentator was killed by an unidentified gunman on 25 June 2009 in Bayugan town, Agusan del Sur province, in the Philippines. Agusan del Sur...
July 2, 2009
The Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) expresses grave concern over the filing of a lese majeste complaint against the board of the Foreign...
July 2, 2009
The entire board of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand (FCCT) was charged with lese majeste on 30 June 2009, media reports said. "The...
July 1, 2009
Members of the Philippine Army stationed at Bagan village in Guindolongan town, Maguindanao province, Mindanao, held 52 journalists at a checkpoint...
June 30, 2009
The following is a statement from the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ), a SEAPA partner based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Admin rules in...
June 29, 2009
The editor-in-chief of the "The Khmer Machas Srok" newspaper, who had been fined and sentenced to a year's imprisonment, was arrested on the same day...
June 17, 2009
Two Filipino media practitioners were killed by unidentified gunmen in separate incidents in the southern provinces of Luzon on the second week of...
June 15, 2009
Prominent Vietnamese lawyer and media advocate Le Cong Dinh, 41, was arrested by the police in his home in Ho Chi Minh City on 13 June 2009, media...
June 11, 2009
Several civil society groups in Cambodia expressed concern at what they claim as "the perilous state of freedom of expression" in the country. In a...
June 1, 2009
The Ministry of Information’s censor board suspended this week’s issue of the Phoenix Journal after it published several censored news articles. The...
May 26, 2009
The Philippine press gained another victory in its fight against impunity after a local court in Sultan Kudarat affirmed its earlier denial of the...
May 26, 2009
Seven suspects, including the mastermind, in the murder of Indonesian journalist Agung Gede Narendra Prabangsa, were arrested on 24 May 2009 by...
May 21, 2009
Four Indonesian journalists were detained by Indonesian Air Force personnel to prevent them from covering the crash of a C-130 Hercules cargo plane...
May 21, 2009
The following is a press statement from the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR), a SEAPA founding member based in Manila, the...
May 20, 2009
The Burmese government announced on 20 May 2009 its decision to allow 10 journalists to cover the trial of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, media...
