Independent Mon News Agency

July 10, 2024
The first batch of conscripts who completed their military training at No. 4 Military Advanced Training Depot (MATD-4) in Weakali Village,...
July 9, 2024
In Chaungzon Township, Mon State, the junta plans to implement a coal plant project despite local opposition, as the community finds it too risky to...
July 5, 2024
The junta is bolstering military presence and escalating operations in the Zardi Village Tract of Yebyu Township, Tanintharyi Region, aiming to...
July 2, 2024
Despite the temporary closure of the Payathonzu (Three Pagodas Pass) border trade post on the Thailand-Myanmar border, traders have maintained their...
June 29, 2024
Following a period of calm after recent conflicts, local women returning to the Mon-Karen border areas along the Gyaing River are facing sexual...
June 20, 2024
The border trading post of Payathonzu (Three Pagodas Pass) town on the Thailand-Myanmar border has been temporarily closed by the armed organizations...
May 30, 2024
The Junta has established a security checkpoint with approximately 20 soldiers deployed to conduct daily inspections on IDPs (war-displaced...
May 24, 2024
Due to Junta checkpoints obstructing the supply of medicine, IDP refugee camps in Tanintharyi Township, Tanintharyi Region face shortages of malaria...
May 22, 2024
Since the start of the year until May 5, the resistance forces have successfully captured Junta bases and outposts in Dawei, Tanintharyi,...
May 11, 2024
According to individuals assisting refugees, the demand for drinking water has surged due to high temperatures and drought in the Gyaing River area...
May 1, 2024
War-displaced residents from Kawkareik Township in Karen State are permitted to return home prompting many to make the trip, yet the majority sought...
April 26, 2024
The Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF) and their allies successfully apprehended a militia group seizing their weapons and ammunition in Kyonnye...